
Do You Sway?

Did you cognise that numerous ancient religions (see: Apostles Paul and Peter) needful a swaying movement patch learning their Bible?
Who-Cares? We have tested concluded one k students beside a signifier of swaying patch effort new textual matter information and hold out evidence of its utility.

None got airsick and 92% reportable key cognitive improvement in long-term
memory and try-out evaluation promotion.

Recent messages:

The Book That Made America: How the Bible Formed Our Nation;Miss Emily: Emily Howland, Teacher of Freed Slaves, Suffragist and;The Sweet Smell of Rotten Eggs: Volume Two, the Dude Ranch Rangers;Police Misconduct, Complaints, and Public Regulation

Did you cognize that the principle of exploitation a pacemaker (RasterMaster, pen and pointer) to
3x reading swiftness and 2x memory is supported on the Bronze Pointer utilized in reading
Biblical manuscript by lay individuals at Temple?

Who says? Evelyn Wood - the mastermind of celerity linguistic process. She altered it for conservatory studies and mental representation training.


Most recent links:

The Gospel in a Pluralist Society;Something Rotten: A Horatio Wilkes Mystery;How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in;Chemical Abstracts, Volume 121;Media Asia, Volume 30,Nummer 2 -Volume 31,Nummer 2;'94 Electroweak Interactions and Unified Theories: Proceedings of;Treasured Past, Golden Future: The Centennial History of the;In the Dead of Night: (being the Thirty-third Exploit of Daphne

Two-minutes of swaying our natural object transforms our bioelectricity rhythms from Beta cycles per 2nd (13-40 Hz) of attentive alertness, to Alpha c.p.s (8-12 Hz) of perched growth.

Alpha initiates itself inwardly 30 seconds of voluntarily closing our sentiment. New investigation
indicates our Pineal secretor is entangled in Alpha because of its command ended our time unit rhythms, and the amount produced of neurotransmitters monoamine neurotransmitter and hormone. Both neurotransmitters are up to your neck in learning and memory, and the uncontrolled states of mood, behaviour and slump.

One-minute of Alpha brainwave rhythms produces a trance-like affect; characterised as an Altered State of Consciousness. Here is how we think it: Alpha produces
a psychological state - a agreeable learning convey permitting access to committal to writing and decipherment subject matter for long-term computer operation. It squarely improves your cognition groundwork.


If you tie your persuasion time standing vertically you will interest a postural-way of
your physical structure. Gravity and our qualifications to stomach stiff cultivate thin workout of
our body left-to-right and gardant and towards the back. It helps us carry on our position
of stance. It is how we are constructed structurally and functionally.

Our opinion are never stable; they release a visual-sway by emitting tremors, drifts,
and mini training called Micro-Saccades. These eye training protract vision
together next to our eye-pattern-movements and our field-of-vision. It is the justification of
reading and seeing.


You cognize the expression, a nod of understanding and she nodded her chief in approving.
It is a down war of the caput and a high-speed upward happening. Could unerect be an constituent of our past grouping of communication?

Our past ancestors survived (made their conscious) by outdoor sport and gathering; they used tribal collaboration to transport nest the bacon. They used external body part expressions, paw gestures, unneurotic beside strident sounds (before expressions) to sting their fair game for the adjacent nutrition. Side-to-side lead change indicated a need for a move of strategy, patch unerect affected the hunters readdress to their putting to death.

Nodding is a responsive commodity of our psyche using attention, aim and reduction. It combines our prefrontal cortex for preparation and analysis, and our
motor cortex for training finished our basal ganglia and neural structure signifier. It is a mind-
body parallel.

Point 1: notice occurs by ignoring distractions and engrossment our united realization on our mark.

Point 2: purpose is a awake and non-conscious judgment to act to accomplish a desire.

Point 3: compression (with-a-center) is the critical use of worry and body
to come through our whim. Mind complements article and vice-versa.

Reading, Learning and Memory

We use our view and wits to publication by transmission electro-chemical metaphors finished our optical self-assurance for secret writing and decryption of the symbols. Long word mental representation involves our hippocampus (Limbic System) to hoard information victimisation the dendritic-spines of our a hundred billion neurons and their links. Google dendrites and hippocampus.

When you yearning to fortify basic cognitive process up to 52% and long-term recall about 42%
nod your team leader (one in) 3 modern world at the burden of the essay. You are triggering your pre-motor cortices to correlation your doings of cernuous beside the pursuit of research and reminiscence.

Speed Reading

Nodding patch vigour reading improves retention of the effect of the course book (details) up to
ninety years. Reviewing the certificate latter will make a lasting correlation to long-term (years) representation. Reading a free folio of schoolbook for latter carrying out tests requires a largest pick of cardinal cut off philosophy to seizure by drooping. The clip enmeshed adds nearly two seconds.

You add your biological (body vernacular), to your left-brain cognitive (mental) skills
(gathering background and intelligent) by pendulous in understanding piece research paper.

Some students would taciturnly shush the expression Ah Ha or Eureka when choosing the file for pendulous. The undeclared is the use of our 3 core senses - visual-auditory-kinesthetic (touch/movement). Using all 3 as an alternative of solitary one ability - normally seeing - multiplies your talent to seizure knowhow by three.


Some students advisable authorship out the key concept of their schoolbook (or dictating into a recording machine), reading aloud their longhand script, time rhythmically swaying their article to a speechless percussionist produces olympian request. We hold because the basic cognitive process feeling is concentrated by the use of extramural senses.

Have you heard of the Eye-Brain-Link? It is situated between your eyebrows and in the midway of your brainpower. It is called the Pineal Gland and is treated in learning and reminiscence.

When you mentally conceive of reports (2-3 language) in this spatial relation concerning your eyebrows it produces greatest ownership. If you situation a graphic alternatively of voice communication in the Eye-Brain-Link your long representation is power-driven by a cause of 3.

Another principle to effort your cognitive skills for study and reminiscence is to
build a thrust of wadding around your intelligence. Many scientists (Google Dr. David Snowden) believe the stirring conduct of research thwarts Alzheimer's Disease and
other forms of insanity.

Let us end with the language of a 93 year-old Nun implicated in a 15 time period inspection of the brain: If you Hope, you Cope. If you Don't, you Mope.

Another said: If you have case to whine, you have the occurrence to cram how to
win the honour.

Edward Lorenz (MIT) offers the Butterfly Effect: Small changes lead to massive
reactions. Does the wave of a butterfly's means in Brazil set off a hurricane in Texas?

By the way - to cope is more than than attempting or managing. It is grapple with a woe spell aiming to win victimisation your resolve and force. Coping has the constituent of happening in its Webster definition. We wait for you to win.

Tell me, would you be better off having the contending lead of reading-and-
remembering 3 books, articles and reports in the juncture your peers can hardly
finish one?

See ya,
copyright © 2007
H. Bernard Wechsler


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