Some of the most recent research done on Creatine has shown that Creatine can also be used for a number of purposes apart from being used as supplements that can help bodybuilders gain bigger muscle mass and athletes perform better. One of these includes Creatine being used as a supplement for the treatment of various disorders, which include muscle dystrophy, Parkinson's disease, and cardiovascular disease. In addition to this, other uses for Creatine have also been identified by research, which includes its use as a supplement that can help people boost their mental performance with regard to the brain's various functions such as memory. One study that has been successful in proving this was done both in the University of Sydney and Macquarie University in Australia, which showed that Creatine could significantly improve a person's mental ability.
Description of the study
The people who conducted the study used forty-five young adult volunteers to test the effect of Creatine on mental ability. The volunteers were all vegetarians to make sure that the amount of Creatine they consume can accurately be measured, as the Creatine that people get from the meat they eat can be very hard to measure. Before being given the supplements, the volunteers were given a memory test, which involved testing their ability to repeat long number sequences and they were also given an IQ test The volunteers were grouped into those that received Creatine and those that received placebos for a period of six weeks. After the six-week period, the same volunteers were again given the same memory test and IQ test to see if the supplements had an effect on their mental ability.
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The results of the study have shown that the volunteers who took the actual Creatine supplements scored higher on the tests, while those who were given placebos more or less had the same scores with the initial tests they took. Evidence to this is that for the memory test, the number length that the volunteers who took Creatine supplements could recall increased from an average of seven digits to about 8.5 digits. This proves that Creatine supplements at least in the short term can help boost mental ability.
Research on Creatine has shown that Creatine can serve other purposes as well apart from its main purpose with regard to muscle mass and contraction. Among the different purposes that have been identified, one of the most interesting is that Creatine has been proven to help boos mental ability. Evidence to this is a study done in Australia, which was successful in proving that Creatine supplements can help people improve their memories and other mental abilities.
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